
Hello. Welcome to Passenger's Unlimited Views. This is a blog about my experiences and observations as a passenger.

I patronize public utility vehicles (PUV). This is where I patterned the name of my blog. As I commute going to school, to markets, to malls, and tourist spots, I observe scenarios that have impact not only in my life, but also to the lives of the mass. Here, I am going to showcase the common and the unique. In public transportation system, you can really see the cultures, attitudes, and views of people.

Discussion is allowed here. You can share your thoughts about the posts that I wrote. You can also suggest topics that I can discuss here. Trending issues about the roads and travels can also be tackled.

This blog aims to be truthful. I hope this not offend anyone as I treat things fairly. Enjoy reading. I am glad to know that you can relate to the topics and visit this site whenever you are--- eating your breakfast, strolling in the park, or waiting patiently for the bus to move in heavy traffic. 
